5 Tips To Maximize The Weight Loss With HCG Diet

HCG diet has earned the reputation for being the wonder diet and it truly deserves to be called so. The reason is simple enough that it facilitates rapid weight loss without having to starve for days or burn fat with vigorous exercise. Amazingly, dieters have reported an average weight loss of 1-2 pounds a day with HCG diet. If you plan to try this plan, it is better to understand it completely first so that you can get the best results. HCG diet uses a combination protocol that comprises a low calorie diet along with the use of HCG hormone in the form of drops or injections (drops are more popular for the obvious reason).

The three-phase diet plan initiates with a two-day loading phase when you will be allowed high-fat diet to get your body ready for the protocol. Phase 2 or core phase permits a daily intake of only 500 calories along with 6-8 drops of HCG hormone thrice a day. This is the longest phase of the diet and also the one that brings about the maximum weight loss. Finally comes phase 3 or maintenance phase when you increase the calorie intake to 800-1000 calories a day and accompany it with the discontinuation of the drops. The overall result of the plan is usually amazing but you can still do your bit to maximize the weight loss. Here are some tips that you can try:

  1. Eat a high-fiber diet

The HCG diet is meant to be super-low so that your calorie intake is limited to only 500 calories a day. While you have to keep an eye on the calorie count, eating the right kind of foods is equally important. It is best to stick to a high fiber diet as fiber keeps you full for longer and curbs your appetites. Moreover, fiber-rich foods are easy to digest and promote the removal of toxins and fats from the body. Experts suggest that the dieter should eat two meals a day, with a single serving each of a fruit, a vegetable, bread and lean protein in every meal. Also, you can add some variety by mixing and matching the foods that are allowed. There are websites that give you some good ideas about adding variety to your everyday diet as you follow the protocol.

  1. Drink green tea

An easy way to boost your weight loss efforts while following the HCG diet is to drink at least a cup or two of green tea every day. This magical beverage boosts your metabolism and promotes weight loss, which makes an additional support for the HCG drops that you are taking. While 1-2 pounds is a daily average for dieters, those consuming green tea can get better results with more weight loss. Additionally, there are countless other health benefits that this healthy drink renders. It is high in antioxidants, the potent chemical that makes it capable of flushing out toxic substances and fat from your body. Besides green tea, water taken in adequate quantities also does miracles for the dieter. HCG diet also permits the consumption of coffee and tea but green tea is definitely a healthier alternative.

  1. Take the drops in the right way

As a part of this diet protocol, HCG can be taken in the form of drops, injections, pills and sprays. Most dieters prefer to take the hormone in the drops form. These are taken sublingual or under the tongue to facilitate rapid absorption in the bloodstream. Taking the drops in the right way and at the right time is extremely critical to the success of the plan and ensures that it yields maximum weight loss. You have to take around 6-8 drops thrice a day and should not eat or drink anything right before or after taking the dose. The best way to determine an optimal dosage and set a routine is by consulting an expert who can suggest a personalized dosage depending on your requirements and goals. The dosage may even have to be altered if you are not getting optimal results.

  1. Make exercise a habit

Even though you can get great results as HCG boosts the metabolic rate, exercise is still recommended to keep you fit and help you shed those pounds faster. Not only does it maximizes weight loss but also keeps you in good health. Kick your unhealthy habits and start exercising every day. A moderate activity such as walking for at least 150 minutes in a week is ideal to get the best benefits. However, you should not overdo anything because you would already be on a super low calorie diet and may feel drained.

  1. Focus on stress reduction

Stress and anxiety are the most likely impacts of following HCG or any other diet plans. The rigors of the diet and the anxiety of not getting results can double up and give you stress, which itself can have a baneful impact on your efforts. When you get stressed out, there are chances that you will not be able to optimal levels of weight. On the other hand, you can try holistic therapies like yoga and meditation to alleviate stress and get the best results from HCG diet. Getting plenty of sleep and rest is equally important as it keeps you energized and motivated. Connect with fellow-dieters and share mutual experiences to spread positivity. Do not be demotivated if you do not get desired benefits in the initial stages because your body will probably pick up later and lose weight at a rapid pace.

These tips are simple and easy to incorporate in your daily life. Despite their simplicity, they are capable of bringing the most wonderful results with unexpected weight loss. This means that you will get bonus benefits without investing any extra efforts. The best approach while following the HCG diet is to make a personalized plan that is tailored according to your unique requirements, weight loss expectations and medical background. An expert diet specialist can help you with the same.