What Exactly is a Bad Credit Car Loan?

Many of us struggle with poor finances, which can have a huge impact on our daily lives. But when it comes to searching for a loan while faced with a financial complication, financing a car can be a difficult process. In this article, we will be providing you with insight into what a bad credit car loan is and how it can benefit you in the long term.

What Is A Poor Credit Loan?

A poor credit loan is a loan that is specifically designed to cater to those with a poor credit score. A low credit score can have a profound impact on your ability to be accepted for a loan, therefore this loan type considers other factors, which could include your household’s monthly income for example, as opposed to your credit score. An assessment of your affordability will provide the lender with the information that they need to determine if you are eligible for this style of loan.

What Is the Most Popular Form of Bad Credit Car Loan?

Bad credit loans are available for a wide range of financial purchases, including a bad credit car loan for those looking to finance their next car. By applying for a loan such as this, you can drive the car that you want with affordable monthly repayments. Lenders specialising in this field will review more than just a credit score to help you secure the car you need..

Can a Hire Purchase Help?

Hire purchase is a finance option that normally involves putting down a deposit and then is repaid with fixed monthly instalments. This can be used when purchasing a car, You don’t own the car until the debt is fully repaid. You pay the option to purchase fee at the end of the agreement, once you have paid the final instalment. The option to purchase fee once paid means you own the vehicle.

How Can You Apply?

Application could not be easier, in most cases you can apply online with a broker or often directly with a lender.. When applying, it is important to consider the MOT, tax, servicing and maintenance costs. Each of these contribute to the monthly running costs for the vehicle and should be considered when applying. By taking the time to consider this, you will be able to ensure that you can meet the finance repayments. Before applying, however, it is important to try to better your finances if possible, beforehand. By improving your credit score as much as possible, you can showcase to the lender that you are responsible with your funds.

Whether you are looking to re-finance a brand new car or you are looking to finance a car for the first time, there are several opportunities for you to gain alternative finance for your chosen car, even with a poor credit score.

Five Costly Mistakes That Make You Financially Irresponsible

When you were a kid, you might’ve developed this rose-colored worldview that adults live in a bubble, buying everything they want and get away with it. As you grow up, you learn all the responsibilities that they have. You learn that money just doesn’t grow on trees; Santa Claus definitely didn’t get you that toy you always wanted.

Of course, one day, you learn how to be financially responsible. You learn to save up and value money. However, you might not notice that you’ve already made an error along the way. The top money-saving tips will always tell you to avoid these budgeting mistakes.

Confusing self-care with excessive self-indulgence

Self-care is important. After all your hard work, you deserve to treat yourself, to unwind. However, your hard work may all be for nothing if you just go on a bad shopping binge. You don’t have to be self-indulgent to relax; you can spend your money wisely. Frivolous spending is the death of your savings account and the impetus for bad credit scores.

Ignoring your credit score

Speaking of bad credit scores, how’s yours? If you don’t take care of your credit score, you’ll be locked out from better interest rates and down payment offers. You might also be rejected for loans, credits, and mortgages, or you might be asked to pay a fee or a deposit first when applying for credit. Credit scores are incredibly difficult to improve but very easy to worsen, so be careful where you swipe your card.

Putting your emergency fund in your savings account

Your savings account isn’t the best place to put your emergency fund into. If you’re wont to spend too much, then you might accidentally use the money you’re saving for emergencies. There are a lot of places where you can put your emergency fund. You can open up a new savings account for it. Many banks allow for opening sub-saving accounts where you can put your emergency money or auto loan payments or what have you.

Not having a retirement plan

Regardless of whether you’re just about to enter the workforce or you’re almost 40, not having a retirement plan is one of the worst things you can do for yourself. A 2019 Northwestern Mutual research found that 22% of adult Americans aren’t financially prepared for retirement, having saved less than $5000 for their fund. Forty percent of Americans are already facing retirement poverty in America, according to Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis, with only their social security or a part-time job keeping themselves afloat. Try to save up as much as you can for the future—including for your retirement.

Disregarding your coins

Letting some people keep the change may not lead you to financial ruin, but think of all the money you’ve saved up if you just have gotten your change. You can cash in those spare change from the farthest reaches of your couch and the ones in your bag over at coin exchangers, such as Coinstar, and have it converted into a gift card. Or if you still have old silver coins, you can sell them to collectors or “junk silver” buyers. That’s a little less weight in your pockets and a little more value into your wallet.

To err is human. But as long as you remember to avoid these mistakes, you’ll also avoid the headaches and any lost opportunities. Be financially smart.

How to Make Money with your Old Cell Phone

sell phones online

Having a cell phone is fun but modern phones are expensive.  Add the fact that most people replace their phone every 1-2 years and you will see how expensive owning a phone can be.

Owning a cell phone is a must for everyone these days.  Effective communication with your loved ones despite the distance can be achieved easily. Entertainment is also possible when you have a cell phone. This includes video-streaming, playing mobile and online games, and capturing some moments that you’ll surely reminisce for the rest of your lives. With hundreds of models and brands releasing their timely upgrades and new models, you mostly switch to a new one. Due to the endless expectations of the customers like you, you always seek for the better one. But what if your old phone is still working and in good condition? Will you throw it away? Do you know people can earn money from it? How?

Your old cell phones are not only meant for the trash. It still has a place and can make someone’s life better by selling it online. With different online stores and platforms, you can easily promote and sell your old cell phone to make money out of it. Here are some of the ideas that you can consider when selling your cell phone online.

Search for an Online Store

If you are not fond of selling it on yourself, you can try referring it to online stores. This way, a lot of potential buyers can view your cell phone and purchase it. With hundreds of online stores, it isn’t impossible to sell your cell phone.  When it comes to selling my used phone online, I personally love Cell4Pets.com, a portion of all proceeds is donated to charity to help animals.

When choosing an online store, make sure that it has the license and proof of service. This way, you can avoid scam or robbery of your cell phone. Taking a look at the customer’s feedback, as well as the service, can be a basis for you to trust an online store.


Trading your cell phone to other customers or sellers can be a great choice. Here you can swap your cell phone with other items that correspond to the price of it. You can trade it with your friend, or workmate that might have an interest in your cell phone. Just make sure that the deal is true and there is no backing out. That way, you can avoid being fooled by your trader.

Make use of Social Media Sites

Another effective way of selling your old cell phone is through making social media sites including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other else. Using this can increase the potentiality of your cell phone to be sold to a buyer. With millions of social media users, you can catch the interest and attention of a potential buyer. Promotion using social media sites can be applied with creativity, such as sales talk. Make sure to include the product information and other essential data to attract a potential buyer fully.  Other creative methods can also be used as long as it is meant for promoting your old cell phone.

Make Sure to Provide the Product information

In selling your cell phone online, you must include the product information, as well as other essential inclusion of it such as the earphones, charger, and box. The product information is used to inform the buyer about your cell phone, so you mustn’t forget about it. If you don’t have the chance or time to talk about the information about the cell phone, the manual and other information describing the product can be used by the buyer to know how to use it. Make sure to provide the complete set of the product, including the charger and earphones. You can also add some notes and promo showing gratitude to the buyer for buying your cell phone.

Considering this information, as mentioned earlier regarding selling your cell phone online can make it purchased easily. Make money from your old cell phone!

Health Benefits Of Fashion And Art, And How To Get Some Great Deals For Them

When talking about fashion or art, not a lot of people would associate either subject of providing any health benefits. As any shopaholic or hardcore art enthusiast can tell you, however, there certainly are amazing advantages to both industries in terms of promoting wellness. Naturally, the benefits would depend on several factors since too much of a good thing can be detrimental as well.

Fashionably Healthy

One of the biggest health benefits of fashion would have to be its effects on self-esteem and how it can reduce stress. Even on its face, the health advantages of being well-dressed, looking stylish, and having confidence in one’s appearance are obvious. However, it goes even deeper than that.

You see, although past trends in the fashion industry have been harmful, the current attitude towards lifestyle and beauty have changed to become more wholesome. These days, it’s no longer fashionable to be stick thin. The industry now encourages a healthy body image and companies are following suit, which leads to many women pursuing healthier lifestyles.

This is visible in how clothing and cosmetic companies have radically shifted their marketing campaigns as well, to become more inclusive of all body types, skin color and so on. You can see this for yourself, when you visit online retail sites likes Sephora and while you’re there, maybe you could get your up-to-date discount voucher using Sephora offers.

Artful Wellness

Perhaps more than fashion, art has been known to have enormous health benefits. Regardless of which activity you prefer, investing in artistic pursuits could have both incredible physical and mental effects. Even simply setting up a canvas outdoors to paint mountains or trees can provide a huge health boost, especially in today’s sedentary culture.

Those who have more rigorous artistic hobbies such as sculpting will naturally gain bigger health benefits, what with having to lug around wood, stone, or metal in many cases. In either scenario, the practitioner has much to gain.

It is worth pointing out that even just the simple appreciation of art can also come with some wonderful effects on wellness, and not all art needs to be stuffy. Even geeky interests can also be art, as you can easily tell when you visit retail sites like Abubot. If you see anything you like, you could take a look at the top 10 up-to-date Abubot coupon promo code offers that are available.

3 Important Mindsets for Getting Out of Debt

The average American household owes $132,529 in some form of debt according to a NerdWallet report. If you are one of these statistics, you have to try to get rid of your debt as soon as possible before you experience severe financial problems. Becoming debt-free is not an easy task at all, but you will be in a better position to succeed if you start with the right mindset. Here are a number of things you need to do to become psychologically ready.

Stay Focused on Debt Elimination

When you are overwhelmed with debt, it is understandable that you may become discouraged and doubt that you can ever become debt-free. However, you need to develop a stronger mindset and stay focused on achieving your debt elimination goals. There may be times when you feel like giving up, but you will be able to push through the tough times if you have enough perseverance and discipline. Hold yourself accountable and make it a point to meet all your financial goals, such as staying within your budget and making payments on time.

Consider Your Debt an Obstacle Instead of a Burden

Overcoming debt seems more challenging when you see it as a burden. Instead, you should consider it an obstacle that can be overcome. If you have credit card debt, you should treat the task of paying it off as a goal and devise an effective payment plan to achieve that goal, instead of paying minimum payments like it is a chore. Set a very specific goal and decide exactly what measures you should take along the way. Being aware that you have the ability to decide how you wish to manage your finances can be very empowering.

Recognizing That It Is Never Too Late to Get Rid of Your Debt

It is better to pay your debt late than not at all. While you need to be in a good financial state in order to pay your debt, it is important that you make the first step towards becoming debt-free, even if it is a small one. Doing nothing is not going to help eliminate your debt. Once you have decided to take control of your debt, you should stick to your goal. If you need help with your debt, you can seek the assistance of a debt relief company. According to Pacific Debt Relief customer reviews, a debt relief company uses a variety of methods to help you become completely debt-free, including debt consolidation and interest rate reduction.

With a positive mindset, getting out of debt seems to be a more achievable task. However, you still need to put in the necessary effort and commitment to become truly debt-free.

8 Easy Retirement Planning Tips for 20-somethings

Planning for retirement is usually something that is far from the minds of any 20-year-olds. Most people this age are still struggling to make end meet and living paycheck to paycheck, so few of them can even think about padding their savings accounts, let alone saving for retirement.

Even though it seems impossible, there are a lot of ways to start saving for retirement early on. Anyone can use these tips to not only create financial security for the future, but also to learn more spending wisely. Here are eight easy retirement planning tips for 20-somehtings.

Invest in a home

Investing in property is becoming a more and more popular option for young people. Many are seeing the advantages of owning property not only today, but in the future. One question to ask about property in retirement is, ‘how does a reverse mortgage work?’

Invest in an emergency fund

An emergency fund will seem unnecessary for a lot of young people. However, there is nothing worse than having to pull from retirement savings when an incident comes up. Be prepared with some fort of emergency account.

Make a plan for reducing debt

Debt in a person’s 20s is common. From student loans to new investments, it is easy for debt to get a little out of control in this stage of life. It is important to have a plan for paying off all debts in a timely manner, and avoid high interest rates always.

Establish a reasonable budget

Working within a budget can seem like a chore and nuisance that no one likes to do, but many successful people use a budget every day to keep their spending in line. Create a budget that allows for savings and leisure.

Work with employer 401k’s

When starting their first job out of college or any new job, it is important for anyone to look into the 401k options that the employer offers. This is one of the easiest ways to start saving for retirement.

Learn how to control spending

It is easy for spending to get out of control when young people get their first real income outside of college. Even though it is alright to splurge every once in a while, it is essential for anyone who wants to save for a comfortable future to learn how to control their spending now.

Learn about other retirement savings options

In addition to a 401k, there are some other retirement savings options that anyone can take advantage of. Some of these ideas include mutual funds, stock and IRAs. These options might even be more beneficial and lucrative than an employer 401k over time.

Work a savings plan into the budget

Once all of the right savings plan options have been determined, everyone can begin to work their plan for contributing to those plans into their normal budget. This will ensure they are always saving for retirement and make the entire process so much easier.

Image: http://pixabay.com/en/entrepreneur-start-start-up-career-696971/

5 Ways to Lower Car Insurance Costs

Insurance can be a big financial burden for anyone. There are so many things in a person’s daily life that need insurance and so many little things that can make that insurance cost more. Everyone knows the need for insurance to protect themselves that the things that they own, but everyone also wants to pay as little as possible for that protection. It can almost seem impossible to make some of those insurance rates go down.

There are some ways to make insurance rates go down. More specifically, there are a lot of ways to reduce car insurance premiums. This can help people not only save more money every single month, but also be able to afford better coverage for their cars. Anyone can use these simple tricks to get the lowest rate possible for their car insurance. Here are five ways to lower car insurance costs.

Shop around for the best providers

There are a lot of different car insurance providers out there. Everyone should try to evaluate all of the options in their area before they choose one. Everyone should view more insurance sites to make sure that they are getting the best coverage for the lowest price. This can be time consuming, but the extra time can result in huge savings.

Negotiate to get a better rate

Once a person has decided on an auto insurer, they can negotiate with that insurer to get the best price possible. Everyone should ask a lot of questions about the insurance, provide proof of other offers from competitors and give valid reasons why their insurance rates should be lowered. This can help anyone get lower rates and avoid excessive fees for their auto insurance.

Bundle insurance policies

Bundling allow people to get a lot better deals in a lot of different purchases, and the same can be true for car insurance. Bundling a couple cars into one policy or bundling other insurances, like health and home, can allow people to save even more money on each policy they have. This is a great option for families who are living on a budget.

Find out about every discount available

Every auto insurer will offer certain discounts for their service. There can be discounts for everything from a low-mileage car to safe driving. Anyone can find out what discounts their provider offers and find out how they can get those discounts. It is also something good for people to work up towards if they want to save more money in the future.

Improve the vehicle being insured

When the car insurance rate cannot be lowered anymore from the insurers side, car owners can take things into their own hands. By improving the car that is being insured, anyone can improve their rates and have a more reliable vehicle. Adding things like a security system or new brakes can help lower high insurance costs and give a person a safer and better car to use every day.

Image: http://pixabay.com/en/classic-car-vintage-car-oldtimer-362176/

How to Recover Financially from Holiday Spending with Credit Reports

How to Recover Financially from Holiday Spending with Credit Reports

The holiday season is usually the busiest time of the year for many people. Additionally, it is often also the most expensive time of the year. Everyone feels obligated to host holiday parties, get everyone they know a gift and go on an exotic holiday vacation. Though this may not be a problem for some people, most people struggle to make ends meet the few months after the holiday season because of this excessive spending.

Recovering financially from the holiday season can seem a little more difficult each year, but there are some ways people have been able to accomplish just that. One of the most important factors of holiday spending recovery is a credit report from CreditSesame.com. There are a lot of ways that a credit report can help people resolve their holiday debt and get back on track with their finances. Anyone can use these tips to create a better financial outlook for the New Year. Here are some ways to recover financially form holiday spending with credit reports.

Start paying things off right away

The longer a person waits to pay off debts, the worse it will get. Paying off debt as soon as possible is always the best decision. Everyone can use their credit reports to see what debts are causing the most damage to their credit scores and what they need to address first. This can help protect a person’s credit scores and help them become debt free faster.

Take a break from credit

Most people use their lines of credit to help finance their holiday spending. This usually means that they will have more credit card debt than they do any other time of the year. Credit reports can help people judge how long of a break they should take from their credit cards in order to get back into a reasonable pay-back range. This will help them not only maintain their credit scores, but also pay off their debt faster than they would have been able to otherwise.

Pay normal bills on time

It is common for people to neglect or avoid their normal bills when they have a lot of holiday debt to pay off. This can be a recipe for disaster for a number of reasons. Not paying bills on time lowers a person’s credit score and increases the amount of debt they will need to pay off. Instead, everyone should use their credit reports to pay normal bills and maintain their current scores.

Create a new budget for holiday saving

Credit reports can contain a lot of information about a person’s financial history. Many people may not realize some of the mistakes they keep making every year that are hurting them financially. Credit reports, then, can help anyone establish a new way to not only budget for the holidays, but also save money all year round. This is a great trick that people can use throughout the year to increase their wealth.

Image: http://pixabay.com/en/coins-money-change-finance-monedas-116465/

How Recent High School Graduates can Manage and Prevent Debt

It seems like debt piles up all too quickly when you graduate high school. From paying for college to buying a new car to moving to a different town for school or work, there are a lot of new expenses that you need to adjust to when you leave your parents’ house for the first time. It may feel like it is impossible to keep yourself out of debt and create a stable financial future for yourself.

It is true that most high school graduates will need to take on some kind of debt initially to get them started, but this does not mean that you have to live with debt for the rest of your life. You can use credit wisely to create a better financial future for yourself. Here are some ways that recent high school graduates can manage debt and prevent excessive debt.

Take steps to build your credit

Your credit score is something that will be extremely important to you throughout your adult life. You will need to have good credit in order to have the things that you want in life, house, car, etc., so it is a good idea to start trying to build your credit score as soon as possible. One way that high school graduates can do this is by getting a credit card. Using your credit card correctly and responsibly will build your credit over time and prove to other lenders that you can use credit wisely.

Plan for the future with your student loans

One of the biggest expenses you will face after high school is paying for college. Most students will need to use student loans, but many adults struggle to pay off their student loans decades after they have graduated. Instead, you should have a plan for your student loan repayment before you even begin college. Most importantly, only take out what you need to pay for your school expenses and try to start paying off the loans as soon as possible. These actions will help you free yourself from student loan debt sooner.

Save money on new necessities

As was mentioned before, graduating high school comes will a lot of new expenses that many students did not have to pay for before. Living expenses make up a big part of this, and they add up quickly when you are unprepared for them. You can find a lot of ways as a student to lower your living expenses, like going to http://www.directenergyrates.net/ to find the best deals on energy for your home, living with roommates, or using student discounts at your local stores. Find out what deals you qualify for and combine as many as possible to save the most money.

Plan for emergencies

No matter how much effort you put into your new budget and how much you plan for your debt repayment, there is always a chance that an emergency will arise. It is a good idea to have an emergency fund set up, but many young people do not have the available funds to do this. Find out what other options you might have for getting extra cash in an emergency, like a small loan from TitleBucks, and know the best way to use it in case of an emergency.

Image: http://www.liesyoungwomenbelieve.com/index.php?id=2017

Author Bio:

Tina Hamilton is a journalist, blogger and social media guru. You can usually find her online or walking along one of Southern California’s beaches with her dog, Joey. Look for her on Twitter.