The importance of dental websites to attract patients 24/7

There are many different techniques and strategies which you can put in place to make sure that your dental practice is accessible online. You must establish a good system to do this because, without a strong online presence, it is difficult to attract new patients and boost the success of your business in this age of digital technology. Most dental practices have good dental websites so it is important that you also have a modern and bespoke website that appeals to your target audience. At the same time, the website must engage with a wider audience so that you can convince new patients into considering dental treatment at your practice. To make the most out of your website, it is important to speak to an award-winning digital dental marketing team. Such a team can help you stand out from the crowd and show potential patients that you are the best dental practice in the vicinity.


The importance of an exciting homepage

First, you need to begin with an attractive and exciting homepage that is planned well because this is the virtual front door to your dental practice. First impressions are very important and a patient must be convinced to explore further within the first 5 seconds of landing on your homepage. It is essential to include carefully considered images on your page that will appeal to the target audience of your website. The homepage should send out a strong message of who you are and what differentiates you from the other practices in your area.


Contact details – yours and theirs

A prominent contact tab on the top right-hand side of your page should be an important feature of your homepage and your website as a whole. This needs to be a telephone number and when potential patients access your website on their mobile phones, they should be able to click on this tab and call you directly. A video of you or your team looking confident and speaking directly to the visitor of your website is an effective way of engaging with your audience and building a relationship before they visit you in person. You can talk about what makes you unique, why they should visit you and how you can address their unique dental needs.


For those who do not want to call you directly, such as nervous patients, it is good to have a ‘contact us’ form on your homepage so that you are able to record your potential patients’ details. By sending them information regarding your dental practice and the treatments you offer, you will be able to translate these contacts into booked appointments. This form also ensures that you do not miss out on patients who may be visiting your website after working hours or when your practice may be closed. In this way, they can leave their details with you 24-hours a day 7-days a week and you can nurture a good relationship with them using your dental website and effective dental marketing. Speak to an experienced dental marketing team today and find out more about the different methods that can help you attract more patients to your practice.

Health advantages of using aligners like Invisalign

When most people think of orthodontic work, they picture a straighter smile and all of the social graces that such a thing brings. And, while it is important to not undermine the advantages that having a straighter smile can bring you, such as better social skills, more confidence and a better sense of wellbeing, other things can be obtained by straightening your teeth.

In your adult years, many physical health benefits can be gained by undertaking orthodontic work, even if it is with an aligner like Invisalign.

What are some of the most overlooked health benefits of wearing Invisalign or other invisible braces Clapham? Read on to find out!


Better digestion

Yes, you read that correctly!

Having misaligned teeth can create havoc with your digestion.

Why? Because teeth that do not mesh together are less likely to be able to bite into and break down food as needed. This means that when the food reaches your stomach, it is less broken down, usually larger than it needs to be and digestion becomes less efficient.

To compensate, your stomach will create excessive amounts of stomach acid, causing acid reflux, heartburn and even nutrition issues.

By straightening your teeth, you are less likely to suffer from any of these problems and will be able to throw out those after dinner antacids!


Better oral health


As your dentist may have told you, having misaligned, spaced or overcrowded teeth can make it harder for you to brush your teeth.

Teeth that are harder to brush are more likely to suffer from plaque accumulation and a whole host of secondary effects such as gum disease and cavities.

Straightening your teeth, even by a few millimetres, can make it much easier to brush, floss and even rinse your teeth with mouthwash, thus improving your overall oral health.


Better physical health

Plaque is bad, not only for your teeth but also for your body.

And, if you have too much plaque in your mouth due to poor brushing, you are more likely to suffer from gum disease which will cause your gums to become more sponge-like. This will allow harmful bacteria access to your bloodstream. As you may have read, plaque in the bloodstream has been linked to a myriad of health issues like cardiovascular disorders, cancers and even a heightened risk of strokes.

By wearing an aligner, you reduce these hidden areas of plaque from being unnoticed and may actually save yourself from a lot of secondary health complications.


Better nutrition

As mentioned earlier, if you have misaligned teeth, you may have difficulties with digestion.

But, if you are fed up with having bite issues or having bits of food stuck in your teeth after meals, you may be avoiding the consumption of healthy foods altogether, such as corn on the cob or apples.

And, while the results won’t be immediate, as your teeth straighten with the use of an aligner, these issues will occur less often and allow you to consume a wider array of foods, thus resulting in better nutrition and improved health!


Things you may not know about having a root canal

Whether you have had a dental infection or have just had trauma to your teeth, it can seem less than ideal when a dental team suggests a root canal.

Although they have more than 100 years in standard dental practice, root canals are often viewed by dental patients as a scary treatment, which will lead to discomfort and potentially kill the tooth. Of course, this is not what this procedure does!

So, what are 5 things you probably didn’t know about root canals? Read on to find out!


It doesn’t kill the tooth

You may have heard via friends or the internet that having a root canal kills the tooth; this is simply not true!

When your dentist St John’s Wood performs a root canal, it is usually done with the emphasis on restoring the tooth to its former glory. The tooth will not change aesthetically (it won’t turn black), it will no longer cause discomfort and it will be strong enough to eat with.


It shouldn’t be uncomfortable

Many dental patients worry that a root canal would be painful but, once again, this is not the case.

Many dental patients report a reduction in the soreness of the tooth and surrounding area following endodontics, making it beneficial for discomfort reduction. Once the treatment is complete and the filling or crown has been fitted, you may notice a slight tenderness to the tooth which should subside in a few days.

If it doesn’t, contact your dental team.

It can sometimes be tricky!

It sounds so simple on paper; your dental team drills down to the roots of your tooth and removes the infected pulp.

But, oftentimes, it can be a bit trickier than that! With genetic variation comes a difference in root shape and depth, meaning that, following an initial assessment for a root canal, your dental team may need to take a different approach. As a result, these kinds of root canals can take longer to fit but should still yield the same defence against infection.


It can help with sensitivity

It may not be the first solution that your dental team tries, but if you have an issue with sensitive teeth, it may be an option to attempt a root canal.

Why? Because sensitive teeth are usually caused by microscopic holes that lead from the exterior of the tooth to the pulp, thus causing discomfort when exposed to a hot or cold stimulus.

So, by having the root protected by filling material, a root canal can actually offer protection against oral sensitivity.


It should last a long time!

Depending on the complexity of your root canal fitting, you may have concerns that it will fail.

However, if fitted by a trained professional, it should easily last the rest of your life without the filling or crown falling off and, of course, without a recurrence of the infection.

If you notice any discomfort around the tooth where you have had the root canal or are concerned that the infection is coming back, seek immediate medical treatment.

Want to learn about the different types of oral implants? Read on

For years, dental researchers around the world have been looking for a way to restore teeth that have been lost through illness, extraction or decay.

And for years, the only options available were things like fitted bridges or dentures, which for a long time, were seen as the crown of restorative dentistry.

In recent years, a jewel has been added to that metaphorical crown in the form of oral implants.

Affixed to the jaw, oral implants are the most permanent solution to missing teeth and once in place, they even feel like regular teeth. And like regular teeth, they require brushing, flossing and biannual trips to your dentist. But they don’t cause sores or ulcers and allow you to laugh, eat and smile with extreme pride.

But, as is the way with most things, there are different types of implants, in case patients do not tick all of the boxes for having regular or endosteal options fitted. In this guide, you will be briefly introduced to the most common types of dental implants Bondi Junction, to help you consider which option may be the best for you.

Endosteal implants

Touched upon earlier, the most common of all implants is the endosteal implant.

Physically, this implant looks like a titanium screw. For it to be fitted successfully, you need to have a healthy jawbone and to be in good overall health.

Once attached to your jaw, it takes between 3-6 months to fuse and can be used to support anything from a single tooth to a full set of dentures.

Provided that you take correct care of this type of implant, it can last for up to 20 years.

Subperiosteal implants

A subperiosteal implant is a bit more complicated to explain as none of the structure is implanted into your jaw!

Subperiosteal implants are useful if someone does not have a good amount of jawbone. The structure is fitted over their jaw (but under their gums), with 4 posts protruding above the gum line once fitted. To these posts, your dentist will attach the prosthetic teeth.

If cared for correctly, subperiosteal implants can last for up to 15 years.

Zygomatic implants

Imagine an endosteal implant, make it 3 times longer and you have a zygomatic implant.

These oral implants are used when a patient needs implants fitting to their upper jaw but they do not have a sufficient amount of jaw bone. And so, this implant is attached to their zygoma bone or cheekbone.

It can take up to 9 months to fuse and with correct aftercare, should last up to 15 years.

Mini or micro implants

Imagine an endosteal implant again, shrink it to around 1/3rd of its size and you have the mini implant.

Attached to the jaw, this implant requires no real fusing time and is only used if the patient has a low-density jawbone. These implants can only be used to support one tooth at a time and have a lifespan of 15 years on average.


Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

Who should be caring for my smile?

It is important that everybody cares for their smile, to ensure they hold on to one of their best assets. Everyone wants to be able to smile with confidence and not have to worry about how their smile looks to others. However, that means patients need the support of a quality dentist Richmond to ensure all dental problems are addressed, often before they even properly arise. Having an excellent working relationship with a dentist can allow patients to smile with confidence for a very long time. Dentists strive to offer their patients the best level of support when it comes to dental treatments. The time is always taken to get to know each individual patient and their own unique dental condition, this way the right level of intervention and prevention can be used to keep patients in good oral health for as long as possible. The results of visiting a well-qualified dental professional at regular intervals will show in the quality of life enjoyed by patients who do not have to undergo a plethora of procedures due to poor dental upkeep.


What treatments should I consider?

There are many different treatments that can be offered to patients of a dentist.  A dental professional will work with patients to determine which treatment options could get them to an optimal level of dental health and aesthetics. These different treatments have been formed to give patients the best opportunities when it comes to looking after dentition. If one of the things a patient is looking for is to transform their smile, then a dentist may recommend cosmetic treatments. These could range from white fillings and teeth whitening to gum contouring and porcelain veneers. Smile makeovers are available alongside CEREC. Restorative treatments such as bridges, dentures, denture stabilisation, crowns, inlays and onlays are also very important. Other forms of dentistry which should be accessible for patients are those involved in preventive care. Specific help can be given to those with sensitive teeth, children and pregnant women. All of this is available alongside more traditional dental treatments, used to keep patients’ smiles perpetually wholesome. Patients will be invited to work with their dentist to get the best level of treatment available for themselves, as treatment plans are very often a collaboration.


What are my next steps?

Patients looking for a highly trained professional to take care of their smile, should consider contacting the dentist of their choice to organise an appointment. Dental practices want each of their patients to be able to access their dental care with ease. Simple to use websites are on hand so patients know exactly what to expect when they come for their chosen treatment. They should normally have access to their chosen practice either using the website or by calling their reception directly. Everybody should have access to premier dental care and be able to enhance their smile. The choices made surrounding dental treatment can impact oral health at every stage of life, so it is important to make the right choices early on. People thinking about getting the right level of support should make their call today, looking after smiles is what dentists do best.

Will it be fixed or removable?

A modern day orthodontist Stoke-on-Trent has the ability to offer their patients a whole host of different treatment plans when it comes to straightening their teeth or realigning their bite.

This means that children and adults alike are able to have their expectations met throughout and after their teeth straightening journey, making the entire process a whole lot more enjoyable.

The needs of a child to an adult differ when it comes to oral health care, especially should braces be needed, which generally tend to be a relatively lengthy procedure. For children, it is important to ensure that the treatment provides the best possible outcome so that they can enjoy a normal and healthy smile as quickly as possible.

Teenagers and adults may have hang-ups about their appearance throughout the procedure, especially when it comes to traditional, fixed devices. Adults may be under the impression that their professional and personal ventures could be disrupted as they straighten their teeth if the device is not discrete enough.


Discrete options

Thankfully, discrete, convenient options are available for those who need them, allowing everyone who needs to straighten their teeth the confidence to do so.

Such discrete options can be fixed or removable. Fixed options can be attached to the front of the teeth like traditional options are, but made from a ceramic material that is the same colour as teeth.

The one truly invisible option is yet another fixed device and is attached to the back of a patient’s teeth. These lingual braces are not suitable for everyone, so if this is something of interest, it is important that an individual discusses this option with their dentist so that they are able to determine whether they are viable for this kind of treatment.


Perhaps one of the more popular options for both teenagers and adults is the removable device known as Invisalign. Enjoyed by millions of people worldwide, there is a huge support base available and the research is constantly evolving meaning that the treatment plan itself is on point and relevant.

Because Invisalign needs to be worn for a minimum of 22 hours each day in order to be effective, a person’s willingness to go through this teeth straightening journey and their motivation to stick with the plan is critical for success. If the idea of wearing aligners is intriguing yet there is a hesitancy surrounding one’s motivation, perhaps the indicator system that allows patients to see whether they are wearing their device for long enough each day would be an important addition. These features and many more are available upon request, ensuring that the teeth straightening treatment plan is tailor made to suit the individual’s needs.

By straightening teeth, people can enjoy an improved state of health, not only emotionally, but physically as well. This is because straightened teeth are easier to clean as there are no hard to reach places where teeth are tightly packed together or crossed over. Teeth are also simply able to work as they should, which has a positive flow-on effect for an individual’s entire smile and health.

Why is it important to visit the Dentist Fulham on a regular basis?

What is considered to be a regular appointment?

To begin with, when talking about regular visits to the Dentist Fulham, this does not mean every couple of weeks for a general check-up. The regular check-ups can range anything from 6 to 12 months apart so do not worry about fitting another important appointment into your daily life. These general dental checkups are therefore not to be a burden but something easily fitted around your daily life once or twice a year.

Please be aware that this is only for the general checkups, if receiving treatment or undergoing a procedure the checkups will be more frequent and discussed with you during your appointment.

Why these checkups are of great importance.

Preventive dental care is the way forward within modern dentistry. This is where the regular checkups come into play. Daily oral hygiene routines at home rely on an effective and efficient process but unfortunately, with society leading busier daily lives the deep clean can often be put aside and a quick brush twice a day put in its place. Whilst brushing the teeth is of course of extreme importance, it, unfortunately, is not good enough on its own as both manual and electric toothbrushes are unable to get between the teeth where food debris gets caught leading to tooth decay and gum disease if left untreated.

By visiting the dental practice once or twice a year, the dental team can discover where the downfalls are within the patient’s oral hygiene routine and address any issues that may start appearing. By imparting their knowledge onto the patient and advising them accordingly on the best cleaning methods, the need for treatments and procedures further down the line is reduced and in some cases eliminated altogether. Preventing more intensive treatments is the goal for everyone so working together at home and within the dental practice is important.

How do these appointments help with bad breath and plaque build-up?

Whilst patients may consider their own oral hygiene routine to be extremely efficient, there are always areas that can be approved. If suffering from bad breath for instance, which is more common than people realise, then it is most likely down to the patient’s lifestyle and hygiene routine. It may be that the patient only brushes their teeth and does not floss or use interdental brushes. Whilst mouthwash is often promoted as conquering 99% of plaque it is not enough to just use this after brushing. Interdental brushes and flossing enables the patient to get in between the teeth where a plaque tends to build up. This in turn can cause an odour to the breath if left untreated. During the checkup, a clean of these areas will always be carried out and in some cases, a referral to the hygienist will be made to ensure that the existing plaque is reduced and eliminated.

Please note, all dental treatments and procedures carry potential risks and it is therefore important to discuss any mentioned in this article in further detail with your local dental team.

What is orthodontics?

Orthodontics Navan is the branch of dentistry that deals with diagnosing, correcting and aligning problem teeth and jaws using braces. Orthodontics offers this treatment option for children and adults alike and enables patients to have the smile they want.

Misaligned teeth are a common issue amongst children and young adults. On average, one third of children require braces in the UK, which keeps orthodontists very busy!


What are braces and how do they work?

Braces are made of metal and are attached to the teeth. Their aim and purpose is to align crooked teeth, and resolve any overcrowding of the teeth and underbites or overbites. The result of a brace is that it gives the individual a straight set of teeth that they can be proud of and feel confident about. At the initial consultation the orthodontist will do a thorough assessment including X-rays and scans of the teeth and jaw to ensure that the patient is suited to having braces. Once this is confirmed, a treatment plan will be agreed.

Most treatment plans last between 12 to 18 months, but this will vary for each patient on an individual, case-by-case basis. Braces are usually available both privately and also under the NHS and for those patients with medical cards. Patients should speak to their orthodontist about this at the initial consultation.

Before the braces can be fitted it is important that patients maintain good oral hygiene to ensure that the teeth are ready for the treatment. Brushing and flossing twice daily is essential. Once the braces are fitted patients may experience slight discomfort and soreness of the gums as the braces rub against the sides of the mouth. This does occur occasionally however the gums will heal within a couple of days. Patients can use gels to soothe sore gums should they require.

Once the braces are fitted it is again important that patients maintain good oral hygiene, particularly after eating, as often food can accumulate around the brace, causing bacteria to build up around the gums and lead to infection. Brushing and flossing the teeth regularly will help to reduce the risk of this from happening. Follow up appointments will usually be every 6 to 8 weeks, to tighten the braces and to monitor and assess the progress being made in realigning the teeth.

Once the treatment has been completed and it is time for the braces to be removed patients will be provided with a removable plastic retainer. The purpose of this is to ensure that the aligned teeth do not start to move out of position and to maintain the seamless finish.


Benefits of braces

There are many benefits of having braces. Firstly they are made of metal and therefore are sturdy and durable and less likely to break. This means fewer visits to the dentist to get the braces fixed! Most importantly braces align the teeth to make them straight, resulting in a smile that patients can be happy about and giving them a confidence boost once they see the finished results. Another benefit of having braces is that patients should see an improvement in their dental health, as they will be able to maintain a higher standard of dental hygiene due to having straight teeth.

How much do you know about Invisalign Harley Street?

How happy are you with your current smile? Do you wish your teeth could be straighter but are unsure as to whether to undergo orthodontic treatment? Or maybe you would like to straighten your teeth but the idea of getting traditional metal braces is off-putting.

Fortunately, due to technological advancements within cosmetic dentistry, there are now more discreet options available for individuals who are looking to straighten their teeth and improve their smile.

So if you are considering straightening your teeth, you may want to visit a dentist in Harley Street who will be able to provide you with the best cosmetic dental treatment in order to improve your smile.


An introduction to Invisalign

If you would like to straighten your teeth and are looking for a more discreet dental treatment, you may want to consider Invisalign Harley Street.

A popular option for adult professionals, Invisalign uses highly advanced technology to create removable clear aligners which slowly move your teeth into their desired position throughout the duration of the treatment.

If you are unsure as to whether Invisalign may be the best option for you, there is an opportunity to have a free consultation with a dentist.

What to expect at your Invisalign consultation

The purpose of the free consultation is not only to give you the chance to ask any questions you may have regarding the dental treatment, but it allows a dentist to check your teeth and gums to ensure that they are healthy and that Invisalign is suitable for you.

With all being well, impressions will also be taken of your teeth which are then used alongside a software called ClinCheck in order to plan your treatment.

ClinCheck is an innovative software that allows you to not only see how the Invisalign will work on their teeth but you can also see how your smile will look once the treatment is complete.


The benefits of having Invisalign

If you do decide to go ahead with the Invisalign treatment, you can expect a number of benefits. Firstly, the aligners used for the treatment are clear and removable, so not only are they almost invisible to others, but you are able to remove them in order to eat and drink as normal. Removable aligners also allow you to maintain a good oral regime by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing after meals.

Another benefit of Invisalign is that your teeth are straightened in a shorter period of time when compared to traditional metal braces.


How do I maintain my new smile following Invisalign treatment

Once your Invisalign treatment is complete, in order to ensure your teeth do not move from their desired position, you will be provided with fixed and/or removable retainers which will assist in ensuring your teeth do not move back to their previous position.


Cost of Invisalign treatment

The cost of Invisalign treatment is determined by the needs of each individual as cases vary from patient to patient. However, prices for Invisalign usually start from £2500.

Do I need dental implants?

Dental implants Herefordshire are something that patients could consider if they wish to make their smile complete again. Patients may find that they require a tooth replacement treatment if they have a gap in their smile. A gap in the smile can cause health issues if not treated, as the surrounding teeth can begin to move into the space that is left behind by the missing teeth. This can cause alignment issues with the smile. Gaps left behind from missing teeth can also cause facial structure integrity to become compromised, therefore, it becomes increasingly important for a patient to seek treatment to make their smile whole again. A patient may need these implants to treat the loss of one tooth, a few teeth or indeed a whole set. If a patient requires this treatment, then they should read the rest of this article which will outline the process of having the implants fitted, as well as indicating what steps they should take next.


What is the process?

The process of this treatment follows a series of steps to ensure that patients get the best results. Patients first must see if they are an ideal candidate for this treatment, this can be done through a consultation with the dentist. Patients may need to undergo preparation work to ensure that the implants can be put in efficiently. This may be treating gum disease or bone graft surgery. Patients also may be asked to make lifestyle changes, they may be asked to cut down on smoking and control diabetes, should they have it. This is because the treatment may be more successful with these two things taken care of. Once the preparation work has been completed, then patients can have the implants fitted. The implants are fitted at the site of the jawbone where the teeth once stood and then given sufficient time to have the site heal. A crown, bridge or denture can then be fixed directly on top of the implant. Patients will then be provided with the aftercare information that they need to ensure that they can properly care for their new smile.


What should I do next?

If a patient thinks that dental implants could be the correct treatment for them and their incomplete smile, then they should consider browsing the website to read more about the treatment that is offered. Potential patients could also call a dental practice directly to ask any questions that they may have, they could also set up a consultation so they can begin their journey to a full and healthy smile. If a patient finds that they are unsuitable to have implants fitted, then they should work with their dentist to find a treatment that is more suitable for their individual smile. Patients should be aware that they will be in the best hands for the job when they choose this treatment. The dentist on hand will ensure to work with each patient to give them the smile that they have always wanted and will endeavour to make certain that the patient will always be aware of what their treatment entails so they can make full use of their treatment plan.