There are many different techniques and strategies which you can put in place to make sure that your dental practice is accessible online. You must establish a good system to do this because, without a strong online presence, it is difficult to attract new patients and boost the success of your business in this age of digital technology. Most dental practices have good dental websites so it is important that you also have a modern and bespoke website that appeals to your target audience. At the same time, the website must engage with a wider audience so that you can convince new patients into considering dental treatment at your practice. To make the most out of your website, it is important to speak to an award-winning digital dental marketing team. Such a team can help you stand out from the crowd and show potential patients that you are the best dental practice in the vicinity.
The importance of an exciting homepage
First, you need to begin with an attractive and exciting homepage that is planned well because this is the virtual front door to your dental practice. First impressions are very important and a patient must be convinced to explore further within the first 5 seconds of landing on your homepage. It is essential to include carefully considered images on your page that will appeal to the target audience of your website. The homepage should send out a strong message of who you are and what differentiates you from the other practices in your area.
Contact details – yours and theirs
A prominent contact tab on the top right-hand side of your page should be an important feature of your homepage and your website as a whole. This needs to be a telephone number and when potential patients access your website on their mobile phones, they should be able to click on this tab and call you directly. A video of you or your team looking confident and speaking directly to the visitor of your website is an effective way of engaging with your audience and building a relationship before they visit you in person. You can talk about what makes you unique, why they should visit you and how you can address their unique dental needs.
For those who do not want to call you directly, such as nervous patients, it is good to have a ‘contact us’ form on your homepage so that you are able to record your potential patients’ details. By sending them information regarding your dental practice and the treatments you offer, you will be able to translate these contacts into booked appointments. This form also ensures that you do not miss out on patients who may be visiting your website after working hours or when your practice may be closed. In this way, they can leave their details with you 24-hours a day 7-days a week and you can nurture a good relationship with them using your dental website and effective dental marketing. Speak to an experienced dental marketing team today and find out more about the different methods that can help you attract more patients to your practice.